Excellence. [Period.]

What was the first ‘business book’ you ever read?

For me (and a million others), it was In Search of Excellence. Written by Tom Peters and Bob Waterman, ISOE was one of the first non-academic business books to hit the shelves. (This was 1982).

Since then, Tom Peters has made it his mission to pursue Excellence.

He’s travelled the world talking about his findings—2,500 speeches, 2,500,000 frequent-flier miles, 63 countries. And written 20 books on the subject.

But now he’s decided to hang up his clogs. (It was his 80th birthday last November).

In Tom’s words, here’s how it all started.

“In mid-1978, I was summoned to New York City to meet with the Managing Director of McKinsey & Co. When I did so, I was given an assignment. McKinsey developed genius strategies. But the clients by and large couldn’t implement them. What was going on? Answering that question, or trying to, has been my preoccupation ever since (45 years).”

My life (and a million others) has been shaped by Tom’s passionate plea to pursue Excellence.

Excellence. Now.

Excellence. Forever.

Thank you Tom, for everything.


Dashboard turning green


A restless pursuit of a better tomorrow