About us

We’re a small team of slightly obsessed, learning professionals determined to make a difference.

Our purpose

Create a world committed to Excellence

We believe the world needs better leaders—to raise standards and make a meaningful dent. Leverage skills and combine knowledge. Change attitudes and culture. Make the world a better place.

Our vision

Headquarters in Manchester, a Global Institute that inspires Leadership at every level.

  • Everyone needs a home. And ours is a dynamic and thriving place to live, work and play. It’s the inspiration behind our Scholar Bee.

  • Recognised as a thought leader by global business. Highest level of research and positioning. Offer a serious alternative to established MBA.

  • This is what we shall be known for—supporting leaders, their teams, and their organisations. An opportunity to lead by example. Leadership is required now more than ever.

Meet the team

Bob Buckley

Bob made his mark specialising in world class manufacturing. Utilising his experience, he led a consultancy working with high-achieving executives to concentrate on raising corporate performance and keeping things simple.

With Twelve Scholars, Bob combines his passion for innovation with his drive for continuous improvement to reimagine what a modern leadership development programme should look like, and in turn, help new generations of leaders improve their performance.

Determined to be successful in every challenge he undertakes, Bob enjoys his downtime in the hills and mountains—cycling, snowboarding and helping others reach their goals too!

Sarah Sisson

Sarah is responsible for joining the dots and bridging the gaps. She’s a specialist in form and function. Now living in the USA, Sarah provides a high degree of quality assurance to everything we do. She’s also responsible for the assessment and accreditation process.

When she’s not training her cockapoo to play catch, Sarah enjoys running the entire length of a country—from her comfort of her high-tech treadmill.

Grace Lambert-Smith

Grace is responsible for the illustrious alliteration that appears on the printed page. She has an engaging style that will fire your imagination. A style that delivers memorable lessons and helps you share knowledge with others.

Having spent much of her working life in the outdoor industry, she’s never too far from a bike, her rando bag and a cup of coffee.

…and We’re hiring for 2025

We want to build our team. If you’re passionate about helping others achieve their goals, then you may be a good fit. Please contact us with a brief introduction.

Inspire, be inspired!