Tuesday Tutorial

Every Tuesday at 12 Noon

THE TUESDAY TUTORIAL is a bite-size lesson in personal and professional development. Short and impactful. They complement to our leadership development programme. The aim is to inspire leadership at every level.

Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

(A Personal) Spring Budget

Annual review of costs. Prevent spiralling out of control. Situations change. Budget time. A personal budget.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Define—then refine

Recruiting talent with EGSP Framework®. Be clear on your non-negotiables. Define your minimum requirements. Good is what you’re recruiting for. Anything better is a bonus.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Round Pegs in Round Holes

Want to create more meaningful meetings at work? Discover how two circles can help. Learn how to build trust and get teams to start taking personal responsibility.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Meaningful Meetings

Want to create more meaningful meetings at work? Discover how two circles can help. Learn how to build trust and get teams to start taking personal responsibility.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Lombardi Time

Want to know what makes a successful team? “Lombardi Time,” is a principle that comes from Vince Lombardi, legendary former hall of fame coach of the Green Bay Packers. Lombardi instilled in his team a simple rule: If you didn't show up 15 minutes early for a meeting, you were considered late.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Subject Line Etiquette

Are you looking for a simple hack to save time and improve your effectiveness. Then look no further than the subject line of your next email.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Market Yourself

Are you applying for a new job? Or looking to hire the best talent? If so, then you need to market yourself.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Big Hairy Audacious Goals

Think of the NASA moon mission of the 1960s. The best BHAGs require both building for the long term AND exuding a relentless sense of urgency.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Short Deadlines with Consequence

It’s that time of year when deadlines get talked about. Sales results. Financial year end. Production targets… and Christmas! Deadlines are good. Short deadlines are better. Short deadlines with clear cut consequences are best.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Ambiguity is the Enemy

The world over, problems arise when misunderstandings are ignored. At home and at work—in politics, sex and religion. Uncertainty leads to double guessing, mistrust and a general malaise. More often than not, there’s a mismatch in expectation—this inevitably leads to poor.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Switch off and reset

Have you ever noticed how it gets harder to avoid setbacks the more tired, stressed and run down you are? Decision-making becomes worse. Thinking under pressure a challenge. And yet we continue.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

A Beginner’s Guide to Note-Taking

A video inspired by a LinkedIn message, “What tips and advice doing you have for note-taking?” Well, this is for anyone interested in taking notes, bullet journalling or simply wants to improve their productivity.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Introducing the Thick Red Line

The Thick Red Line will help you improve performance. Rather than focusing on 'Excellent' and 'Good' we instead turn to 'Poor' and 'Satisfactory'.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Negative People

Understanding influence and attitude is really important when building a high performance team. Negative people will always hold you back. Deal with negative people and your performance will naturally improve.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

The Flywheel Effect

Can a good company become a great company and, if so how? In this tutorial, we explore the Flywheel Effect—a key concept borrowed from Jim Collins and his brilliant book, Good to Great.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

No two consecutive days*

You should never allow two consecutive days* with back to back poor performance. Two bad days will knock you off track. You lose momentum. You’ll get demotivated and disappointed.

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