Getting ARCI with Handforth Parish Council

Left in charge, what’s the ONE thing you would do at Handforth Parish Council (HPC)? Where would you start? What tools and techniques would you use?

Well, having watched their committee meeting again (it’s surprisingly quite entertaining) my thoughts turned to roles and responsibility. Specifically, HPC need to clarify the roles of their committee—not just the councillors, but for everyone involved. (Including Julie’s iPad!)

At Twelve Scholars, we use a simple framework to help clarify roles and responsibility. It’s called ARCI. It’s four words that provide a hierarchy of responsibilities for any given task or activity. Allow me to explain. 

A — Accountable
There can only ever be ONE accountable person—they have ultimate responsibility. The buck stops here. Typically, a senior manager, director, or project sponsor. Note—this person doesn’t have to attend the meeting. But they are ultimately responsible for the actions and behaviour. 

R — Responsible
There can be many people responsible for many different activities. But only ONE responsible person (please) per action. It’s worth asking yourself and of others, “What am I here for?”

C — Consulting
The people you should consult with on specific items before making decisions. They don’t need to attend the meeting, but should be consulted as appropriate. For example, a legal opinion and employee views on health and safety.

I — Informed
These are people who should informed of specific outcomes from the meeting. This typically involves a much wider population, but could also include people further up the pecking order, and those with an interest. 

Are you familiar with ARCI? Sometimes, you’ll see it written as RACI, but we prefer ARCI as it better describes the hierarchy of responsibilities, from top to bottom. 

When written down, ARCI provides a simple framework that helps your decision making, builds trust and drives better communication. And I believe it would make all the difference in East Cheshire!


Two triangles and a circle


The Thick Red Line