Flywheels and Rabbit Holes

It happened. I knew it would. Two hours slipped as I fell down a rather large rabbit hole.

Doing some research and background reading for this week’s Tuesday Tutorial. And I stumbled upon a book I haven’t read for a while. Bought back in 2005, Seeing The Forest For The Trees was a book that fundamentally shaped my thinking. It’s an introduction to systems thinking, written by Dennis Sherwood. And I remember pretty much every page turned—that was almost 18 years ago!

Before giving myself permission to use ink in books, I used to write on small post-it notes. And this one caught my attention today. It’s a quote from my old MBA tutor, Joe Marshall.

“Organisations must divide in order to function, yet these functions must come together to operate.”
— Joe Marshall

Make that 2x people who changed my thinking for the better!

OMG… just found my offline notes from my page-a-day diary. It looks like I started to learn all about systems thinking on Friday, 27 May 2005. Jeepers!



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The Bare Necessities