The Story so far… trailer

What’s your story?

TWELVE SCHOLARS is a platform for leadership development. Our mission is to create a Global Institute that inspires Leadership at every level. Transforming you, your team and your organisation.

So much has happened over the past 12 months. I can't possibly describe it in 200 words—even with the help of ChatGPT. And so we've decided to upload a new ‘behind the scenes’ video every Friday at 12 noon. It's our way of sharing the entrepreneurial journey—the story behind the brand.

We've now published three books on leadership and personal development. We have a weekly newsletter and podcast. And we have recently launched our first online Leadership Development Programme. Exciting times ahead!

A big thanks to Galloways Printers and LaserLea for all their support behind the scenes. Very much appreciated.

ps Check out the spot varnish on the back cover of our Leadership Playbook!


A Packaging Solution to Your Leadership Compass


Developing the EGSP Wooden Block®