A simple sketch is a good idea

Where do good ideas come from?

It was precisely a year ago, we decided to laser cut two additional lines into our EGSP Wooden Block®. And it was a game changer.

Here’s my bullet journal from 12 months ago. It shows our wooden block with the addition of two new parallel lines. With utmost clarity looking back. I remember when, where and why we added it.

The two lines recreate a concept we call the Thick Red Line. The Thick Red Line is used when talking about poor performance. It helps set standards and avoids ambiguity.

And for 12 months, the EGSP Wooden Block® has become a far more effective teaching tool.

(Note, the detail on the diagram. It shows our scholar bee upside down—with his bottom pointing towards satisfactory… aka mediocrity!)

The story of the Thick Red Line continues…


Prototyping the Product Brochure


Marketing material