Coffee Morning

Here’s a novel idea for the post-pandemic world.

How many of your neighbours are working from home? At least 3 days a week.

And how many are self employed, or could do with a change of scenery during the day?

This got me thinking…

Why not invite them round for coffee?

Once a week. Same time, same place. It could 45 minutes. You’ll be back to “work” within the hour.

Call it an accountability group. Call it networking. Block it in your diary. You know the script.

This week I had the company of eldest brother—working from my home office, instead of his converted garage. It made a difference—to both of us.

A little bit company. Shared coffee breaks. Lunch. We bounced a few work related ideas off each other. Then blamed each other for running out of biscuits!

So if you’re working from home, most of the time. Have a think who lives nearby. It could make all the difference.

My first coffee social starts next week.


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