Dusting down the book shelf

How often do you dust down your book shelf? I’m talking figuratively here, not literally. (Although you can if you like).

Yesterday, I pulled out a few books on customer service and sales. Yes, it’s time to start selling. Although the first page I opened talked about “Goods aren’t sold. Products and services are bought.” Hmmm. Interesting.

Half a dozen books—mostly American. A real blend of Socratic Selling, Self Help and Successful Habits. But there was one book that jumped out… Raving Fans! by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles.

First published in 1993, I’ve had Raving Fans! on my bookshelf for 15 years! And although familiar with its content, ashamedly, I’ve never read a single page—until yesterday.

Now I’m a Raving Fan about Raving Fans!

The synopsis is simple. Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. To compete in today’s business environment, you have to create Raving Fans.

The content may have been written 30 years ago. But the principles are as relevant today (if not more so), than they were back in the 1990s.

So what books are hiding on your bookshelf?

Perhaps you should dust down your bookshelf this weekend. Enjoy!


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