Fixing that Leaky Tap

Setbacks occur when a minor problem becomes a bigger problem. Forever on your mind. It’s those seemingly small things that’ll grind you down—drip-by-drip—triggering trauma and testing your resolve.

And so it was. After far too long in my to-do list. I’d arranged for a plumber to fix that leaky tap. And second tap, two toilets and a water inlet pipe. How hard could it be?

Well, if it were simple, I’d have fixed it myself. So this one needed a specialist.

Derek was the third plumber to visit. Number four if you include the one who didn’t show. He worked hard, didn’t leave a mess and was polite at all times. More importantly, he did what he said he was going to do—all without minimal fuss. I’d say the service was good according to our EGSP Framework®.

And so I can sleep again—not being woken by a dripping tap. Or being embarrassed when visitors come to stay. Or constantly thinking of that leaky tap when I should be focused on other things.

The morale of the story? As long as a problem remains a problem, the chances of experiencing setbacks remain. And so the sooner you fix those minor issues, the better for your health and well-being.


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A Simple Melody