Groundhog Day

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a Groundhog Day?

You know, that situation where a series of tedious events appear to be recurring in exactly the same way. If we’re not careful, even the most productive of leaders can feel like this.

Here’s a few suggestions designed to break the pattern:

  • Eat something else for breakfast

  • Travel a different way to work

  • Cancel your first meeting—to focus on a higher priority work activity

  • Delegate 3 items from your to-do list

  • Only attend 3 meetings (maximum) for a day

  • Take time out for a walk

  • Wordle at one o’clock

  • Take lunch with an old friend or past colleague

  • Change your soundtrack—listen to a different station

  • Call a friend you haven’t spoken to for a long time

  • Do a random good deed—spend 10 minutes picking litter

  • Switch off the television

What would you add to this list? What works for you?





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