Persist and resist

What do you need to persist with? And what do you need to resist?

We’re halfway through filming our leadership programme. Striving for perfection—often ending with poor. It’s been a journey with ups and downs. But filming is something we need to persist with. A commitment to ourselves and our community.

The resistance? Well, that’s what’s holding me back.

The muse tells me to follow every shiny idea and incorporate into each lesson. This can can happen at any moment—normally mid filming!

Which is strange. I’ve spent the past 12 months incorporating as many ideas into the course as possible. Filtering out weak ideas. Replacing with stronger ones. And yet—and yet, more ideas keep coming.

For now, I’ve followed my own advice and created a car park to store ideas for a later date. This is also the topic of our next lesson to film—Lesson 30: Create a car park.



A Scholarly Bee


Chapter 2 introductions