The age of AI has begun

Who do you listen to when predicting the future?

Should you listen to your mates down the pub (or gym), follow the latest LinkedIn post or turn to someone who’s actually got the T-shirt from the last revolution?

For me, I’ve been watching, reading and generally paying more attention to Bill Gates. And I like his style.

He’s dropped his computer-boffin-know-it-all status and adopted a more down-to-earth approach to solving the world’s biggest problems. As you’d expect, he’s still at the forefront of conversation.

In a recent article, he discusses artificial intelligence (AI). And he’s excited by the opportunities—to advance humankind and solve real world issues.

He concludes, “We should keep in mind that we’re only at the beginning of what AI can accomplish. Whatever limitations it has today will be gone before we know it.”

Interesting times ahead.


Seeking inspiration


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