30 Years Ago Today

Tree planting next to the River Avon (land saturated by recent floods and high water table)

When’s the best time to plant a tree?

Today, my eldest brother (pictured) and I braved the cold and wet to plant 30 new trees in his village meadow—with a few knowledgable villagers helping too!

We planted 10 English Oak and 20 Sweet Chestnut.

The young trees (seedlings) were donated by my brother’s employer—CGI as part of their community tree planting initiative.

As can be seen from this photo, the area suffers from flooding in heavy rain. The trees will augment the landscape, help manage the high water table and protect against land erosion close to the river.

Looking forward to watching these trees grow—and can’t wait to see the meadow 30 years from now!



On A Good Day


A bucket called ‘Periodicals’