On A Good Day

What’s does ‘a good day’ look like to you? I’m not talking about an excellent day. Nor a perfect day. Not even a merely satisfactory day. Have you ever thought about it before?

When you start using the EGSP Framework® to define your day, it becomes easy to imagine what ‘good’ looks like. (And deep down, ‘good’ is what we really want).

Here’s five simple steps to help

  1. Start with poor—what would unacceptable look like?

  2. Define satisfactory—what are you prepared to accept as a minimum?

  3. Define good—this is what we’re aiming for—today.

  4. Define excellent—this can wait for another day—hint, it’s not for today!

  5. Maintain focus on achieving good.

Yes, we’d be delighted if we achieved excellent. But let’s focus on avoiding poor, not settling for satisfactory and hitting good. That would be a good start for anyone. (Me included).

Remember, it doesn’t have to be ‘excellent’ to have a good day. Liberating, isn’t it.


Firm Foundations in February


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