Results-Only Work Environment

How do you structure your working day?

The Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE) is a concept I stumbled upon 12+ years ago.

I was contracting for a client. They were obsessed about being busy. And were proud of how much activity they would do.

I on the other hand—was there to do a job. And no matter how busy I was seen to be, I still had to get the work done. And this is where the Results-Only Work Environment came in.

Instead of focusing on activity, you focus on deliverables. You get measured by performance, results or output, not by presence in the office or the hours that you work.

At the time it was revolutionary—for my client. We reevaluated the structure of their working day, and typical week. And became obsessed about achieving results—not activity.

Whenever you find yourself caught in the busyness trap, it’s worth stepping back and questioning what you’re trying to achieve.


Focused Blocks of Time


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