On the fourth day of Christmas

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Four simple words,

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

From an early age, we’re all taught four simple words: Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, and Poor. They don’t require a detailed explanation. Everyone understands them. Even a four year old gets it.

We’re over the moon when we achieve excellent.

We’re happy when we receive good.

We know satisfactory is usually followed by “could do better”.

And feel gutted when we fail and fall short, presented with poor.

(Or is that just me?)

Written as Excellent, Good, Satisfactory and Poor, these four simple words will help you achieve Excellence. They’ll help you make a difference and become a better leader.

These four simple words will act as your guide, when leading change and navigating difficult times. They can be used to raise performance and get things done; reset expectations and measure success; avoid setbacks and build resilience.

Why four words?

Because there’s no room to sit on the fence. Two words is too simplistic and not very helpful—it’s either good or bad. Three words will create a middle bucket—again, not very helpful. Five words or more will confuse.

The best way to make a dent is to use these four simple words and change something for the better. Everyday language will amplify the message.

Excellence really is a simple concept.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood.

Learn more.


Promo Video Featuring Leadership Compass


On the third day of Christmas