On the third day of Christmas

On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

The New Year is a popular time for starting a new position. And whether it’s you or a member of your team, it’s important that you have a plan.

  1. Your first 12 days as a leader
    Congratulations! You made it. You’ve just started that new job. As a new leader, the first 12 days are crucial to your success.

  2. Your first 12 weeks as a leader
    Your honeymoon period. Everyone is watching. As a new leader, your first 12 weeks are an opportunity to gain confidence and build a trusted team.

  3. Your first 12 months as leader
    Never underestimate what you can achieve in a year. As a leader, your first 12 months are critical to the legacy you leave behind.

When you join Twelve Scholars, you’ll receive 3 bonus guides. Each comprises the 12 most relevant leadership lessons that will help you.

Remember, if you fail to plan—plan to fail.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood.

Learn more.


On the fourth day of Christmas


On the second day of Christmas