Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the ninth day of Christmas

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Nine playbook facts,

Eight testimonials,

Seven essential skills,

Six pro tips for projects,

Five blueprints,

Four simple words,

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

When you join The Essential Scholar Leadership Development Programme, you’ll gain access to our learning platform—and—you’ll receive a special edition Leadership Playbook.

Whilst the learning platform is organised seamlessly with video tutorials and online content. The playbook is different. Very different.

  1. Product dimensions: 240mm x 170mm x 14mm. (Inspired by Brand B)

  2. The playbook has been specifically designed with 176 pages. There are seven chapters, each with precisely 20 pages (except Chapter 1 which has two extra pages).

  3. Paper is sourced from FSC approved forests, and manufactured by UPM Nordland in Lower Saxony, Germany.

  4. Printed by Galloways in Poynton, Cheshire using environmentally friendly CMYK inks (cyan, magenta, blank and yellow).

  5. The cover is printed three times. Lithographic print x 1 pass. A scratch resistant coating x 1 pass. And a Spot UV coating to highlight special design elements.

  6. When delivered, the combined weight of the playbook and custom packaging is 490 grams. This is deliberate. And 10 grams under the 500 gram limit used in setting postage prices.

  7. 54 different books are referenced.

  8. 37 scholar bees appear in the playbook.

  9. And just in case, there’s a comprehensive index on pages 174-175. We call this section, FOMO.

We’re convinced that print encourages you to put down your device, switch off for a moment, and focus on the important things. (Like counting bees!)

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood. Learn more.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the eighth day of Christmas

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Eight testimonials,

Seven essential skills,

Six pro tips for projects,

Five blueprints,

Four simple words,

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Here’s a selection of feedback from previous scholars.

  1. “Of all the leadership training I’ve had, Twelve Scholars has stuck the most. It works.” — Marc Belbin

  2. “I love the way The Essential Scholar is written, I will go to sleep tonight with the words ‘Ambiguity is the enemy’ etched into my brain.” Sarah Wilkins-Dixon

  3. “The layout of the course is great. Clear, uncluttered, structured and on brand.” — Marie Hodgson

  4. “Twelve Scholars has just landed. Looking great. Well done. It’s certainly come on another level.” — Rob Hopkins

  5. “Really like the ‘Thickness of the Thick Red Line’ concept. Made it very clear for me about the importance of setting expectations.” — Helen Jones

  6. “Many thanks for my copy of the Playbook. Rest assured it will live on my desk and play a pivotal part in my daily life.” Rich Wooster

  7. “I’m in love! Completely different to what I expected. I love the content and the fact that you’re offering practical tips.” Grace Grieve

  8. “Thank you for the Playbook. It’s beautiful in every way. I noticed the small grey print in the lower margin right away. What a fun way to connect with your reader!” Tania Marien.

We’ve delivered courses and consultancy services across many sectors.

Our focus is always to create a culture committed to Excellence.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood. Learn more.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the seventh day of Christmas

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Seven essential skills,

Six pro tips for projects,

Five blueprints,

Four simple words,

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

Based on first-hand experience and extensive research, we’ve distilled the essence of modern leadership into seven essential skills.

  1. How to make a dent

  2. How to deal with poor performance

  3. How to combat perfection paralysis

  4. How to reset expectations

  5. How to measure performance

  6. How to avoid setbacks

  7. How to lead with Excellence.

Each of these skills can be explained using the EGSP® Framework.

A simple methodology used to help solve your move critical issues.

The Essential Scholar covers each of these essential skills in depth.

And also provides 12 ways to help you achieve that skill.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood. Learn more.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the sixth day of Christmas

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Six pro tips for projects,

Five blueprints,

Four simple words,

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

Project management can be a minefield—if you allow it.

Here’s just six pro tips that we cover on The Essential Scholar Leadership Development Programme.

  1. Keep it simple. Every project has a beginning, a middle and an end.

  2. Master the art of one-page project management. If you can’t explain it clearly, then you don’t fully understand it.

  3. Scope creep is bad. Scope creep is good. Ensure you know the difference.

  4. Binary 'definitions of done' are best avoided. Instead, use four simple words: Excellent, Good, Satisfactory and Poor.

  5. Create a RADIO log. And keep it live—at all times. In fact, call it 'RADIO 5 Live'. (Risks, Assumptions, Dependencies, Issues AND Opportunities).

  6. Document success. Document failure. This will help others—and accelerate your own development.

The Essential Scholar has been designed to help you move up a gear. Put things into practice. Focus the mind. Gain support and encouragement. Often, the best way to learn is by doing. And so we’re here to help you deliver a mini-project—one that’s meaningful to you, your team or your organisation.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood. Learn more.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the fifth day of Christmas

Blueprints for business as usual.

(It’s a novel idea.)

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Five blueprints,

Four simple words,

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

Blueprints for business as usual.

(It’s a novel idea.)

Imagine being given a set of blueprints to run your business.

(Think McDonalds, Subway, Costa Coffee)

How much more successful do you think you would be?




So why don’t we give business as usual more attention?

(Hint—something to do with firefighting and shiny projects)

And that’s the problem.

Too much firefighting prevents you from fixing the basics. It’s a vicious cycle.

And shiny projects are often a result of poor performance in business as usual.


THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood. Learn more.

ps you’ll also receive five blueprints to better manage your business as usual activity.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the fourth day of Christmas

From an early age, we’re all taught four simple words: Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, and Poor. They don’t require a detailed explanation. Everyone understands them. Even a four year old gets it.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Four simple words,

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

From an early age, we’re all taught four simple words: Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, and Poor. They don’t require a detailed explanation. Everyone understands them. Even a four year old gets it.

We’re over the moon when we achieve excellent.

We’re happy when we receive good.

We know satisfactory is usually followed by “could do better”.

And feel gutted when we fail and fall short, presented with poor.

(Or is that just me?)

Written as Excellent, Good, Satisfactory and Poor, these four simple words will help you achieve Excellence. They’ll help you make a difference and become a better leader.

These four simple words will act as your guide, when leading change and navigating difficult times. They can be used to raise performance and get things done; reset expectations and measure success; avoid setbacks and build resilience.

Why four words?

Because there’s no room to sit on the fence. Two words is too simplistic and not very helpful—it’s either good or bad. Three words will create a middle bucket—again, not very helpful. Five words or more will confuse.

The best way to make a dent is to use these four simple words and change something for the better. Everyday language will amplify the message.

Excellence really is a simple concept.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood.

Learn more.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the third day of Christmas

On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Three bonus guides,

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

The New Year is a popular time for starting a new position. And whether it’s you or a member of your team, it’s important that you have a plan.

  1. Your first 12 days as a leader
    Congratulations! You made it. You’ve just started that new job. As a new leader, the first 12 days are crucial to your success.

  2. Your first 12 weeks as a leader
    Your honeymoon period. Everyone is watching. As a new leader, your first 12 weeks are an opportunity to gain confidence and build a trusted team.

  3. Your first 12 months as leader
    Never underestimate what you can achieve in a year. As a leader, your first 12 months are critical to the legacy you leave behind.

When you join Twelve Scholars, you’ll receive 3 bonus guides. Each comprises the 12 most relevant leadership lessons that will help you.

Remember, if you fail to plan—plan to fail.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Delivered in digital, print and natural wood.

Learn more.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the second day of Christmas

On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

Two coaching calls,

And a scholar bee from a maple tree.

Leadership can be a lonely journey. It can be overwhelming at times.

No one to talk to. And hear your personal challenges.

Instead, imagine a leadership course where you receive two coaching calls:

  • 30-minute onboarding call
    Within the first 12 days (or most convenient to you).  An opportunity to ask questions, get to know your coach. Familiarise yourself with the content and course structure.

  • 60-minute coaching call
    Within the first 12 weeks. Designed to accelerate your learning. Discuss your most pressing issues. And signpost the most relevant lessons.

At Twelve Scholars, we’re committed to helping leaders make a difference.

And as crazy as it sounds, there’s only 12 places available.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is our pioneering new Leadership Development Programme. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Learn more.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

On the first day of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me

One scholar bee from a maple tree.

Imagine this little scholar bee as your future self.

He/she/they are the leader you want to be—deserve to be.

Someone who can make a dent.

Someone who can deal with poor performance.

Someone who can combat perfection paralysis.

Someone who can reset expectations.

Someone who can measure performance.

Someone who can avoid setbacks.

Someone who can lead with Excellence.

This little scholar bee is your opportunity to make a difference.

And with a little guidance and support, you too can become a highly effective leader.

THE ESSENTIAL SCHOLAR is a pioneering new Leadership Development Programme presented by Twelve Scholars. Designed from the ground up—transform into a highly effective leader. Learn more.

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