Civilised Discussion

How do you best engage with a community?

This is a question I’ve been asking since we launched Twelve Scholars. We’ve tried a few things: podcasts, printed publications, meet-ups, online events and a weekly newsletter. All have been a success at some level. (Who knows where we’d be without the pandemic). And each format will continue in its own way.

But as we launch our Leadership Development Programme, I’m reminded of the benefits of civilised discussion—aka our online learning platform.

We built the bones of our leaning platform last year. And we’re now in the final stages of curating content and uploading video tutorials.

We’re using Discourse to host the learning platform. It’s a powerful app that has reimagined what a modern Internet discussion forum should be today, in a world of ubiquitous smartphones, tablets, Facebook, and Twitter.

Can’t wait to start engaging with our scholar community on Discourse soon.


Creating a Visual Factory


Focused Blocks of Time