The EGSP Framework™

One the areas we explore at Twelve Scholars is our Excellence Framework. It’s a way of defining standards and raising performance. It’s a system that helps get things done, helps you avoid perfection paralysis. 

The Excellence Framework is just FOUR letters... EGSP. They stand for Excellence, Good, Satisfactory and Poor.

Sometimes, it’s really hard to explain what excellence looks like, so we need to look in the other direction. For example, when attending a meeting:

  • POOR... we can all agree what this looks like. It would be considered arriving late, unprepared, get little value from the meeting.

  • SATISFACTORY. Arrive on time, prepared, get some value from the meeting. 

  • GOOD. Arrive early. Well prepared. Gain value from the meeting. A good use of time. 

  • EXCELLENT. Arrive early and help others arrive early too. You're not only very well prepared, but you've helped others prepare too and ensure there are no surprises (no one likes surprises in meetings!). The project take a major leap forwards. 

It turns out that over time... when you stick to this framework, people will naturally improve their performance, and what was once considered excellent becomes the new good, what was considered good becomes satisfactory, what was considered satisfactory becomes poor. Before we know it, our standards have improved and we're redefining what a new excellence looks like.


The UCCI Framework