The UCCI Framework

Another tool we use is our UCCI framework (it stands for Unconsciously Competent Consciously Incompetent!). UCCI is sometimes referred to as The Learning Cycle or The Learning Ladder.

Essentially, there are four stages of learning

  • Unconscious Incompetence. You don’t know that you don’t know

  • Conscious Incompetence. You know that you don’t know.

  • Conscious competence. You know that you know.

  • Unconscious Competence. Mastery and high performance

This learning cycle generally takes you through each of these areas in turn. As one piece of learning becomes fully integrated, and if you are wanting to continue to improve, you embark on the next phase of the model.

Does everyone follow these four stages, or are there exceptions or accelerations? Find out more when you buy or subscribe to our printed journal. :-)




The EGSP Framework™