Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Blue sky thinking

Where do you go to clear your head?

For me, I head to the West Pennine Moors. And with my running shoes on, I can reach this trig point in less than 30 minutes.

This photo was taken last night. It’s looking west at Winter Hill.

From these vantage points, you can see Snowdonia, the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales and the Peak District. That’s four of the finest national parks in the UK.

(You also get a stunning view of Manchester).

And so this is my playground. It’s where I go to clear my head. And get a good workout.

What about you? Where’s your special place?

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

A gift to your team

What if everyone could sing from the same page. Literally.

How much more effective would you be? How much more effective would your team be? What about your organisation?

Well, that’s exactly what the Playbook can do for you.

Once you get everyone reading to page 46 (the start of Chapter 2), things start to happen.

The penny drops.

‘Performance’ gets understood.

‘Ambiguity’ gets talked about.

Satisfactory is no longer ‘good enough’.

Yes. A paradigm shift occurs.

Why not gift your team the gift that keeps on giving!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Posting to Portugal


Another international sale—this time Portugal!

One of our values at Twelve Scholars is to cross-pollinate ideas.

And so it’s great to see our work starting to travel—and help others make an impact.

Muito obrigado pelo pedido.

Aproveite a leitura!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

EGSP photo shoot

What do you notice about these four wooden blocks?

Yes, they represent the letters E, G, S and P (also PEGS spelt another way!)

And yes, there’s a horizontal line etched into the S and P.

But if you look closely, you’ll realise it’s the same wooden block. And just like the grain that runs through this piece of maple, EGSP® runs through the heart of everything we do.

If you’re new to Twelve Scholars, then EGSP® is a highly dynamic and versatile approach to continuous improvement.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Introducing ‘5S’

What does 5S mean to you?

In world class manufacturing, ‘5S’ is an abbreviation for five words that begin with the letter ‘S’.

It represents a method of workplace organisation that originated in Japan. It helps to create and maintain an organised, clean, safe and high-performance workplace.

Here’s the five S’s (seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke, translated into English):

  • Sort—clearly identify items needed and eliminate the rest.

  • Straighten—keep needed items in the correct place to allow for easy and immediate retrieval.

  • Shine—keep the area swept and clean.

  • Standardisation—create rules to sustain the first 3 S’s

  • Sustain (aka self-discipline)—make a habit of maintaining established procedures.

5S can be used whenever a workplace is messy, unorganised. (Think Marie Kondo in factories and offices). It can be used when people have to spend time tracking down tools, information to complete a task.

At Twelve Scholars, we use EGSP with 5S to set standards and create a culture committed to Excellence.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

The Steven Pressfield Collection

What’s your favourite book by Steven Pressfield?

It took him years to publish his first book. But now Steven Pressfield is seen as an authority on writing books. And how to overcome those inner creative battles.

I’ve found his work really useful over the years. He talks about the Resistance, the Muses and Turning Pro. We even reference his work in the Leadership Playbook.

I shall record a book review soon. But for now, what’s your favourite Steven Pressfield? And why?

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Ambiguity amnesty

When was the last time you called out ambiguity?

I’m not talking about being misled or even missold—they should be obvious. You should have the gumption to call them out—immediately.

What I am talking about is the grey area—the stuff that often gets overlooked.

Areas of uncertainly. Unclear decisions. Badly worded feedback. You know, the things that cause you difficultly, but you don’t know why—or don’t realise it at the time.

A failure to flag ambiguity will always hold you back. It creates a culture of mediocrity. A spiral of decline that inevitably leads to poor.

As leaders, we must lead by example. Set expectations and the standard for others to follow. And so we need to encourage our team to speak up. Talk to us when decisions aren’t clear. Flag ambiguity.

The last thing we want is for people to be working on the wrong things. (It’s the last thing they’ll want too!)

Remember, you get what you’re prepared to accept.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

A big box of wow!

“Well just opened the box and you’ve already got a wow!”

It was always going to be a special ‘shoebox’ of a delivery. Another very satisfied customer. Thank you.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

AAA+ positive rating

Have you ever gifted a book to a colleague?

One of our customers bought 10 additional copies of our Leadership Playbook. And then gifted them to his leadership team. Within a week we received the following feedback.

“Bob. You have made something special. Everyone has said that we need EGSP in 'everything we do'. Response has been 100% AAA+ positive.”

All I can say is thank you. Can’t wait to follow your journey. Inspire, be inspired!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Autism Pleasantville

One of my favourite podcasts is 99% Invisible. It's all about the things we don't think about. And the latest episode is all about Autism.

Hosted by the excellent Roman Mars, it's a fascinating discussion. They talk about setting standards in cities and workplaces. They paint a picture of an ideal future—they call it 'Autism Pleasantville'.

I've always believed that everyone benefits from an autism-friendly workplace and environment. It leads to higher productivity, reduced stress and simply a nicer place to work. It will also attract and retain top talent!

A few practical top tips to consider:

✓ Include access to a quiet space
✓ Reduce sensory overload
✓ Reduce clutter on walls—and desks
✓ Maximise natural light
✓ Avoid strobe lights or lights that flicker

What would you add to this list?

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

A personal touch in packaging

Destination Derby.

Another order shipped today—for our leadership playbook and compass. Yes, it's early days. And so I still get excited when an alert pops up!

The playbook is your essential guide to modern leadership. Everything you need to know. Everything you need to do.

The leadership compass (wooden block) is a coaching and communication tool. It'll guide you and your team. No matter the situation.

Combined they are a powerful force.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Introducing the EGSP® Leadership Compass

This little wooden block is central to becoming a highly effective leader. It’s been designed to illustrate key learning points, improve decision making and demonstrate step change improvement. It’ll help you set standards, raise performance—and—make Excellence the mission.

(Did I mention the superior communication skills that will result?)

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

An excellent round of switching off

It was 25 years since we last played together. But yesterday, it felt just like old times.

5 hours of fresh air. Stunning scenery. And plenty of competitive talk.

It was the perfect way to spend the Easter Bank Holiday. An opportunity to switch off and catch up with old friends. An opportunity to test our golf skills—even after all those years.

It wasn’t all perfect. In fact, many shots were poor. But there were moments of brilliance that made it all worthwhile.

And after two extra holes of ‘sudden death’ playoff. We decided to end the round ‘all square’. This was a fair result.

A big thanks to Matt, John and Ed for the game.

Inspire, be inspired.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Library Walk

What have you noticed recently?

I’ve always enjoyed Library Walk.

Full of inspiration.

And once you’ve seen the bees.

You can’t ignore them.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

DO Manifesto

Cecil Sharp House, London.
Friday, 22 March 2024.

I attended a game-changing workshop today. It was organised by the DO Lectures. And hosted by the talented David Hieatt and Mike Coulter. Both accomplished writers in their own right.

The purpose was to better understand manifestos.

So what did we learn?

A good manifesto gives clarity.

A good manifesto set direction.

A good manifesto holds you to account, daily.

A good manifesto increases your chances of success in business and life.

It’s like a compass that uses words.

And how you write those words matters.

A big thank you to Mike, David and team.

The course was, Excellent.

Inspire, be inspired.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Getting creative with the camera

A behind the scenes photo from our latest photo shoot.

The idea was to capture all our courses—with our EGSP® Wooden Blocks.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Giving feedback without Number 7

Try this as an exercise.

Next time you’re giving feedback on a scale of 1 to 10, try removing the number 7.

You’ll be amazed at how it changes your thinking—and feedback.

Rather that opting for the easy sit-on-the-fence verdict. You actually start questioning whether it’s a six or an eight. And there’s a big difference.

Six is fairly average. And probably not a good result for the recipient. Whilst eight sounds much better. And obviously much higher than six.

If your score is higher, then Excellent. If it’s lower then, they probably have some work to do.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

‘Good Friday’ every two weeks

Sometimes, it’s the simple things that keep us going.

I have a friend.

His surname is ‘Good’. (True story)

He works a 9 day fortnight.

Yes, it’s actually a thing.

Every two weeks he has Friday off work.

And so we call that ‘special’ day, “Good Friday”.

Next time, it’ll actually be Good Friday.

And we all get to celebrate with him.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

An Excellence Manifesto

How are you improving at the moment?

Well, I’ve booked myself on a one-day workshop in London next week.

It’s called DO Manifesto. And the course will be run by David Hieatt, from DO Lectures.

It turns out I wrote this ‘Excellence Manifesto’ nearly five years ago.

And it’s taken from our first printed publication, Twelve Scholars Journal — Be Proactive.

Check out the thread sewn binding.

Yes, I was paranoid about the pages falling out!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Playbook gaining rave reviews

We recently received this lovely email.

“Hi Bob. I’ve eulogised the Playbook to our Head of Performance. And have just bought two more copies for the office. Even from chapter one, we’ll be able to apply so many things!”

Thank you James—really pleased you’re enjoying it. :-)

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