Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Oh, Canada

Unbelievable. We received an order today—from Canada!

It was for our Essential Scholar leadership development programme. And two copies of our beautifully bound printed journal!

A case of Twelve Scholars leadership material is now being track and traced 3,300 miles via UPS.

A big thanks to John and his team for placing his trust in Twelve Scholars.

Inspire, be inspired!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

X-Wing Version 2

What a difference 4 weeks can make.

It doesn’t seem that long since we posted our wooden blocks in Jiffy bags. It served a purpose, but was never ‘on brand’.

We wanted a bespoke packaging solution. One that would elevate the leadership compass and make the unboxing a special event.

And we think we’ve cracked it. Introducing the ‘X-Wing’ custom packaging insert.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Appalling atrocity in Annecy

Such appalling news from the French Alps today.

Annecy is a small alpine town. And it has a special place in my heart. I first visited 30 years ago when at high school, and have returned many times since.

Annecy was there at the start of Twelve Scholars. It's where I spent my 40th birthday—plotting and planning to create a new business for personal development.

It’s one of the most inspiring places. A stunning backdrop of of mountains, water and medieval centre.

I drew this sketch last time I visited. It’s taken from the park where today’s attack took place.

My thoughts to families and friends caught in Annecy. xx

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Anything & Everything

I reread three books at the weekend. Million Dollar Habits (Brian Tracy), Discipline is Destiny (Ryan Holliday) and Hell Yeah or No (Derek Sivers). The key takeaway?

“How you do anything, is how you do everything.”

It’s how you gain credibility and establish a reputation. Or not.
It’s how you approach life with rigour and verve. Or not.
It’s how you want to be remembered. Or not.

Always wanting to improve and strive for perfection, I also realise that you can do anything, but you can’t do everything. Some things have to give. (I keep reminding myself of this!)

If you want to grow as a leader, you need to decide what to focus on, and also what do ignore.


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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Custom packaging ordered

What a difference 2mm can do!

We’ve just placed an order for our ‘Leadership Compass’ packaging. Working with Belmont Packaging, it started off as a simple idea based on a ‘Toblerone’.

We’ve gone through several iterations since then. We’ve made the insert rectangular, enhanced the design of the die cut Scholar Bee, and made a few minor modifications to the dimensions.

Known as the ‘X-Wing Version 2.0’, the special insert will pop neatly inside an A3 poster tube. And it’s amazing what a difference 2mm in length can do. No more rattle.

The board gets die cut next week. Exciting times ahead!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Picture frame perfection

I visited an old friend today—with our latest A3 posters.

Chris Orme is an expert in his field. He’s been in framing pictures for 26 years. And I’m proud to call him a friend.

Chris started life as a screen printer, before setting up his own business—specialising in picture framing. 26 years later, Orme Gallery is one of the largest picture framing specialists in the UK. Chris also has an eye for detail. Let’s call it perfectionism—and his super power.

We discussed several options for the three prints (codename: black/grey/red). The aim was to create a set of three prints that can be used when filming future videos and tutorials. We eventually chose an arctic white mount with a matt black inset, set within a 40mm black wooden frame. We also chose a glass with very low reflection rating.

Can’t wait. These posters will look amazing once professionally framed!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

A digital product brochure

No turning back—our new product brochure went to press this week.

We’ve called it our ‘Modern Leadership Development Programme 2023/24’.

Please drop us a line if you’d like a physical brochure posting out. If you prefer a pdf version, you can get a instant access by hitting ‘download’.

It’s funny, no matter how many times you proof read, proof images and proof the design—there’s always something that can be improved. (Let’s call it the inner perfectionist!)

Please let me know if you spot any mistakes or design improvements. We can update the digital version immediately—although the hard copy will have to wait until a reprint!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Dusting down the book shelf

How often do you dust down your book shelf? I’m talking figuratively here, not literally. (Although you can if you like).

Yesterday, I pulled out a few books on customer service and sales. Yes, it’s time to start selling. Although the first page I opened talked about “Goods aren’t sold. Products and services are bought.” Hmmm. Interesting.

Half a dozen books—mostly American. A real blend of Socratic Selling, Self Help and Successful Habits. But there was one book that jumped out… Raving Fans! by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles.

First published in 1993, I’ve had Raving Fans! on my bookshelf for 15 years! And although familiar with its content, ashamedly, I’ve never read a single page—until yesterday.

Now I’m a Raving Fan about Raving Fans!

The synopsis is simple. Just having satisfied customers isn’t good enough anymore. To compete in today’s business environment, you have to create Raving Fans.

The content may have been written 30 years ago. But the principles are as relevant today (if not more so), than they were back in the 1990s.

So what books are hiding on your bookshelf?

Perhaps you should dust down your bookshelf this weekend. Enjoy!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Print proofing Product brochure

Can’t wait to see the final product.

What you see here is our new product brochure—or more specifically, the printing proof used before we go to press.

It’s been 4 weeks (and the rest!) in the making.

The cover design uses a square image of the Leadership Compass wrapped around the spine.

We’ve also matched the image to the Leadership Playbook (check out the grain pattern).

Product dimensions: 170mm x 240mm.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Print proofing posters

I visited our printers today. An opportunity to proof a few posters—and a new product brochure.

This photo shows an ‘Epson proof’ of our A3 posters. (Very excited about this one).

You can see the CMYK colour charts running vertically, together with full colour palette on right hand side. This detailed information will help the printers when it goes to press next week!

You can also spot two other posters in the background. A perfectionist pink poster with a Thick Red Line. And a dove grey 'Excellence In Progress' poster in the top right corner.

All posters will be 4-colour lithographic printed on 250gsm silk paper.

Perfect to brighten up your office walls.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Racing Pigeons

What can pigeon racing can teach us about leadership? In this week’s The Sunday Scholar, we ask the important questions that could help you, your team and your organisation.

Available as an email newsletter, The Sunday Scholar is also a podcast to download.

Listen up, and enjoy the read.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Inspired by Toblerone

Packaging prototype #22.

Inspired by Toblerone, our Leadership Compass will soon arrive inside a triangular-shaped holder. This will then be inserted into a tube. This will cut down on packaging materials. And lower the cost of postage. It will also ensure your Leadership Compass arrives safely at its destination.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Shine a light, another prototype

Packaging prototype #21.

It’s amazing what you can do with a pair of scissors, a ruler and recycled packaging!

Looking for a new method to transport our EGSP Wooden Block®.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Sweating the small stuff

How do you know whether you’re on the right path or not? Sometimes, you’ve just gotta go with your gut feel and sweat the small stuff.

If it wasn’t important, then it’d be good enough to move on. But as we’re creating our first ‘marketing brochure’ for Twelve Scholars, then it’s important to get it right. It’s a fine act.

So apologies for lack of Tuesday Tutorial today. We’re busy sweating the small stuff.

Off, making Excellence our mission.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley


Really happy with today’s newsletter and podcast. A playful alliteration with ‘pointing out positive prose to the parents’ was a personal highlight.

Other favourites include the school report analogy, the exec summary of your education and finding Bob Dorough on YouTube! :-)

What surprises me (well, no surprise if you’ve listed to Robert Hopkins), is the power of creating rules and boundaries. Seriously, since the decision to simplify the structure of The Sunday Scholar, I’ve gone into idea overload. Sorting out the best ideas from the weak. And it’s been far easier to write too. A few extra boundaries can make all the difference!

You can subscribe to our email newsletter from our website, choose to listen here, or subscribe via your podcast player of choice.

Listen up, and enjoy the read!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Prototyping the Product Brochure

Shine a light, prototype.

That’s Lesson 11 in our Leadership Development Programme. It’s also the theme this bank holiday weekend.

You’ll see the early development of our new product brochure in this photograph.

The Helvetica Now typeface, the EGSP Wooden Block® and 16 pages printed in colour.

Yes, it’ll be available as pdf to download. But it really helps me to create in the physical world first.

I’d like to get this to the printers before King Charles reaches Westminster Abbey!

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

A simple sketch is a good idea

Where do good ideas come from?

It was precisely a year ago, we decided to laser cut two additional lines into our EGSP Wooden Block®. And it was a game changer.

Here’s my bullet journal from 12 months ago. It shows our wooden block with the addition of two new parallel lines. With utmost clarity looking back. I remember when, where and why we added it.

The two lines recreate a concept we call the Thick Red Line. The Thick Red Line is used when talking about poor performance. It helps set standards and avoids ambiguity.

And for 12 months, the EGSP Wooden Block® has become a far more effective teaching tool.

(Note, the detail on the diagram. It shows our scholar bee upside down—with his bottom pointing towards satisfactory… aka mediocrity!)

The story of the Thick Red Line continues…

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Marketing material

Taking inspiration from Josef Muller-Brockmann and his Swiss Grid System. Here’s our first draft of the product data sheets. The nuts and bolts of each course.

Rather than flood the website with photos and detail. We’ve taken the decision to jettison much of this information to a downloadable pdf.

For those that want this extra layer of information, it’s there for them.

We’ll also be using it in our marketing material going forwards.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Waving the simple stick

When is good enough—good enough?

I’ve been updating our website again. (I know. I know what you’re thinking). Never 100% happy with the content or layout, I’ve gone back to basics—again. How can we apply the less is more approach?

Fewer pictures, more impactful videos. A simple structure that’s easy to follow. A more personable voice, that talks about benefits, rather than features.

We’re getting there. And the aim is to have everything uploaded, updated and refreshed before end-April. In the meantime, please be patient if you see a few typos or it looks a bit rough around the edges.

Always improving. Always learning.

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Bob Buckley Bob Buckley

Dealing with poor attitudes

Our latest Tuesday Tutorial has been uploaded. Not quite the 6am as promised, but definitely before 6pm. And that’s an improvement on last week!

Weighing in at 12 mins 15 secs, it’s a valuable tutorial. And one that I first discovered 20 years ago. Thanks AGF!

I’ve used the influence/attitude matrix in every organisation I’ve worked. And it works.

Grab a brew and sit back. Inspire, be inspired!

(Bugger… just noticed a typo on one of the slides. Arghhhhh)

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